Fundraising in Nepal

I had this great opportunity to be in exotic Nepal, volunteering with Resource Alliance. This gave me the chance to spend 3 productive days with grass root NGOs bouncing ideas on starting fundraising. Good fun!

The particpants were from partner NGOs of VSO (Voluntary Services Organisation). We had an interprator (Mr. Chakra) in the workshop who translated every word I said. Quiet exciting, although the poor fellow had a hard time translating even the bad jokes I cracked.

We fiercely debated on if individuals could really give at all or could give in Nepal. I had my surprises when the particpants told me that cheques and credit cards were almost not existent. This left cash collection as the only payment option. Challening! But then the group could find some possibilities that may work in Nepal like Face to Face in malls and Tele-facing (mix of telephone and face to face). Below are some of the presentations that shaped our discussions (please copy them on the browser as the clicking links are not available some how):

A great break from all the fundraising exchange was this video of a dance perfomed by women from a local NGO. The ladies danced with perfection to a folk number and lilting music. The dexterity defied any hint of disability they had. I wanted to put the video here but the file seems to be too heavy (700 MB ??). Too bad!


  1. Your visit to Nepal somehow echoes the challenges faced by any fundraiser working here! I am presently with Save the Children in Nepal and my job is all about linking our partner NGOs to private funds. Corporate giving here is a hard nut to crack...while CSR as a tactic (not a strategy) is creeping in here, we have found it pretty disappointing knocking at corporate offices in search of partnership possibilities. There always is the 'benefit' question (and why not) and most of the time, if not always, it is monetary (considering Save the Children being an 'INGO' with a lot of access to donor funds)! But we have managed to strike 'deals' with three top banks here which I would call a significant success!

    We are looking at individual giving this year...and are looking at Direct Debit as a convenient means to do so. The banks we have spoken with however are not too sure of their commitment to operationals for this project. Payroll giving would in fact be merged into this project since a lot of larger corporates here pay salaries directly into employee accounts.

    Your observation of credit cards and cheques being almost non-existent does hold true...and I would say it is limited more to urban Kathmandu for that matter. at times but also drains you in others!

  2. Dear Akash, All the best. Recently I met few of your colleagues at Agra. If Direct Debit does not work then you can open mutliple accounts with leading banks. In this way you can have intra bank monthly standing orders.

    Good to hear on credit cards and cheques.I was provided this impression by a 60 odd gathering at the workshop.

    Keep touch



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